Hello and welcome!

If you are here, I can bet you’re just as curious about mixed media as I am. Maybe you lean toward watercolours, inks or even botanical inks- or all three as I do. I find it’s hard to chose so quite frankly, I don’t! I like to mix them up and combine them -always in search of a little calm in all that beautiful chaos.

Raise your hand if you’re into natural inks! Aren’t they the best at…

helping you focus on what’s available out your own back door?

getting you inspired to incorporate local materials in your work?

igniting your sense of curiosity as you coax color out of unlikely places?

I wrote a book for the black ink lovers out there…

Do you love a deep black ink? Who doesn’t right? I spent a year researching how to make black ink out of charred grape vines and wrote this book to share the recipe with you! This book walks you through al the steps for making it in your own home and there’s some nice shots of the Italian countryside too I might add.

P.S. if you don’t have grape vines you can substitute with twigs and sticks! I go more into that in the book!


Shop my originals and fine art prints!

Come check out my latest originals and hand embellished prints here:

Take a look at what inspires me…


Playing with light and shadows.


Honoring imperfections; the worn and torn.


Exploring views and inner skyscapes.

My process


Embracing new forms and color palettes.


Experimenting with materials and tools.


Sitting with pieces until we’re friends.

Follow my journey.